Thursday, May 14, 2009

Photo of the Day - Mt. Kinabalu

Mount Kinabalu (4092 a.s.l.) is the highest peak in South-East Asia. Rising almost two times higher than any other mountain in Borneo. From the top one can see over all Sabah and if weather is good also to Philippines.The air at the top is thin enough to cause altitude sickness. Temperatures close to the peak are considerable lower than elsewere in the region average temperature at nights being only few degrees above zero and during the day not more than 10 degrees. The weather can change extremelly fast. Winds might be unpredictable. Rain might come within minutes.

Sounds hard core, eh?

Not so. It's one of the most popular tourist attractions in Sabah and is probably one of the easiest mountains to conquer seeing its height. Every day 150 tourists try to make their way up. More than half succeeding in their pursuit. The well marked 8.7 km trail leading to the peak starts from 1900 meters and proceeds all the way to the top. Ropes are attached to steep parts. Tourists make it normally in two days spending a night in one of the mountain huts located around 3200 meters above sea level. However, the record to the top and down to the starting point is only 2 hours and 50 minutes. Oldest person ever conquered the mountain was a 90 years old Japanese lady.

Tommorow I am going to see, if I manage to do the same.

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