Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Although forcing free-living jungle birds into a confined space is a dubious concept, it gives a change for taking good photos of otherwise shy animals. KL's Bird Park is said to be "World's largest free-flight walk-in aviary". In practice it's a 21 acre netted and fenced park, where some of the birds are flying free. After all that sweating when carrying my heavy and fancy camera everywhere, I had to put it into action. It made a good escape from the hectic city traffic, but cost more than half of my daily budget. However, it was worth it.

Some samples from 5 hours of work. I am not even trying to do species determination right now. It would go wrong anyway:
Nicobar pigeon
An eagle (or kite or hawk)
Asian fairy bluebird, female
Scarlet Ibis
A heronA pigeon

Some mammals to the end:

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