Tuesday, May 19, 2009


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The island Borneo is huge, about twice the size of Finland or Germany and bigger than France or Spain. It ain't easy job to have only two weeks to visit one of the most interesting islands on the planet. Since I had got so little time, I had to use it efficiently. After photographing orangutans and conquering Mount Kinabalu, I headed to a riverine jungle at the lower parts of River Kinabatangan. The trip turned out as a great change to photograph animals. More about these trips later.

After the jungle, it was time to head back to the airport in Tawau and start flying back to the north. My trip in South-East Asia has come to the end. Soon I'll be heading back to Svalbard, but before that I have got the chance to visit a good Svalbard friend Marco in Birmigham. Probably some pasta could be involved?

My feelings are bipartite. On the other hand I would like to continue. Go explore islands, reefs and jungles in Indonesia and Philippines. Again, I am happy to come back to the north. The summer with dream job and birds on Svalbard is just gonna be awesome. The science has become interesting again. After all, only during my trip, I realised how close to burn-out I was. It was good to take some time off, but now I am ready to work again.

This might be an end, but it ain't over. Blogging continues from Europe. I'll try to add more photos.

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