Friday, June 5, 2009

Photo of the Day - Spring Awakening

Spring is a good time for a wannabe nature photographer. Nature awakes from the long hibernation. Birds are back "doing stuff" in the pursuit of making new life, being much more active than later in the season.

On Svalbard the spring starts already sometime in the late April, but the real action takes place in the beginning of June when snow disappears from the breeding grounds. Taking photographs from displaying animals, such as these common eiders, is rewarding. It gives a possibility to observe the courtship and fetches an incredible amount of joy inside the photographer. The courtship season lasts only some weeks. After that a passive incubating takes place leading to the time, when new life spawns all-over the archipelago. The season is short, the development mind-blowingly fast.

From here it starts. May my camera rest after the season.

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